Tattoo and Body Piercing
Piercing aftercare

How your piercing heals is up to you!
Congratulations. You've just received a body piercing by a trained professional who cleaned and disinfected the area pierced, using sterile needles, piercing instruments, and jewelry. Now it is up to you to take appropriate care of your piercing.
Warning: chemicals will not make you heal faster!
Quite the opposite in fact. Chemicals of any kind will upset the balance within your newly forming cells and create a condition in which your piercing will heal tremendously slow (if ever). Therefore: DO NOT USE ANY PRODUCT MARKED "For External Use Only."
Including, but not limited to: Provon, rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Bactine, ear care solutions (i.e. benzalkonium/benzethonium chloride) antibacterial soaps (i.e. Dial, Softsoap) Neosporin or any petroleum based ointment, or Betadine (providone iodine)
Products you can use:
Non-iodized sea salt. You know, from a health-food store type of place. Better quality grocery stores tend to carry it. DO NOT use table salt and NO Epsom salt.
Saline Solution. Saline is the key to quick healing as it balances piercings so you can heal faster. The easiest and most accurate way to acquire saline is in the form of Saline Solution for contact lenses. Preferably in the form of a sterile, pressurized can. DO NOT use contact cleaning solutions or soaking/wetting solutions.
Quick tip: Don't forget to grab some q-tips as this can make the cleaning process much easier.
How to clean your piercing:
Wash hands before touching body, EVERY TIME regardless of the area pierced
Mix a pinch of sea salt with 4 oz of warm water
Use q-tip, cotton ball, gauze, or clean washcloth that has absorbed sea salt solution to GENTLY clean around your piercing and get rid of any build up (crusties)
Rinse pierced area with lukewarm water or saline solution
DO NOT move jewelry back and forth through a pierced area. This will slow down any healing. Gently cleaning around outside of piercing is acceptable after any activities that may cause excessive sweating such as exercising
Useful tips
Expert advice - Don't listen to your friend, your mom, or psychic adviser. If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call, and always trust your body! If you think something is wrong, do not hesitate to contact us.
All piercings - Avoid playing with new piercings, as physical irritations is counterproductive in the healing process. When clothing is to be in contact or near piercing, stay with clean, loose, breathable clothes such as cotton.
Navels - Physical irritation typically caused by pants rubbing against jewelry is the most common problem people can run into. You must wear your pant or skirt line BELOW your navel or it may never heal.
Nipples - Many women report that wearing a bra after nipple piercing helps with soreness, especially for the first few days. Larger-breasted women may be more likely to find this true. Wearing a sports bra to bed is also said to be beneficial.
Swimming - When it comes to piercings, chlorine sucks. It is tremendously drying and irritating on new piercings and should be avoided if possible. If you cannot avoid swimming, do your best to clean the piercing and rinse with saline whenever you do swim. Avoid hot tubs, lakes, and oceans until piercing is fully healed.
Oral Piercings - Lips, cheeks, and tongue piercings require special care. Care for the external lip and cheek piercings is standard, 2x daily, but there are a few extra things needed for internal care such as: Non-alcoholic mouthwash or non-iodized sea salt for rinsing. You should rinse your mouth at least 3 times a day. After activities such as eating, smoking, or drinking, we recommend rinsing with water only.
Tongue - Gently brush your tongue when you brush your teeth as it will help remove mucous and dead skin surrounding piercing. Advil, ibuprofen, or Aleve may help with swelling if you need some relief. NO kissing or sexual contact until completely healed!
Lips - Always rinse your piercing with saline to keep it balanced to help with fast healing. Also, DO NOT play with your jewelry! This can delay healing.
For your labret piercing, follow up with piercer in 2-4 weeks to have your jewelry checked and/or adjusted. Not doing so can result in gum irritation and possible gum recession
Genital piercings - All piercings are an open channel to the blood stream, especially in the case of genital piercings. Sexual contact during the healing phase could be a danger to both you and your partner. Go easy on your new piercing(s) as they will heal much faster if you do.
Female genital piercings - Female genital piercings typically heal fast and easy. Rinse the outside of your piercings and clean the jewelry a few times a day with sterile saline solution, or, your own urine, as it is sterile for your body. It is normal for the inner labia and hood piercings to bleed a little for a couple of days. Bleeding should stop when sitting still. If bleeding continues on the 3rd day, contact your piercer.
Intercourse should be avoided for 2 weeks to a month, but if it does not hurt, use a condom.
Male genital piercings - Standard external piercing care may be used for cleaning. Your own urine may also be a more beneficial substitute to saline rinse. For piercing through the head or urethra, expect bleeding for the first few days. If bleeding continues on 3rd day, or if there is a sudden increase in the amount of blood, contact your piercer.
Intercourse should be avoided for 2 weeks to a month, but if it does not hurt, use a condom.
Foods to avoid
Hot, spicy foods with small seeds
Useful tip: Ice cream and ice and be helpful with swelling in moderation
Infected piercings
More often than not people that believe they have an infected piercing, just have mild irritation and adjusting your cleaning methods will clear up the problem. An infection can be recognized by its relatively sudden inflammation and accompanying discharge of pus and/or blood. If you suspect you have an infection, please contact your body piercer or your doctor AT ONCE. Do not wait for it to get worse and do not attempt an at-home remedy.

Tattoo aftercare
Important care instructions for your new tattoo!
Proper care of your new tattoo during healing will ensure details and color. It is extremely important to follow all instructions diligently. If you have any questions PLEASE contact your artist. DO NOT RELY ON INFORMATION FROM YOUR FRIENDS!
Remove bandage after 2 to 3 hours (artists' discretion) NOT BEFORE. If by change the bandage should come off before the specified amount of time, follow the next step.
Wash tattoo gently but with enough force to get any blood and ointment off. DO NOT USE SOAP! Be sure that the tattoo is clean. It should appear to be flat and dull (no shiny/dark spots) Once the tattoo is clean, pat it dry by blotting with a soft, dry towel. DO NOT RE-BANDAGE OR PUT ANYTHING ON YOUR TATTOO FOR THE 1ST 24 HOURS!
Keep tattoo dry while healing. DO NOT soak in bathtub. DO NOT use hot tubs. DO NOT swim in lakes, rivers, oceans, or pools. DO NOT use saunas, wet or dry! You may take showers, but do not let tattoo get excessively wet, and pat dry with a soft, clean, and dry towel immediately afterwards.
After 24 hours following the time you got your tattoo, you may begin to apply a thin layer of medicated hand lotion. Be sure to rub in thoroughly once every other day, no more, no less.
PRODUCTS WE RECOMMEND: Renew, Curell, and Aveno.
DO NOT use Bacitracin, Vaseline, Neosporin, and no lotions containing perfumes or alcohol (i.e. jergens or off-brands, Avon or similar products) Using these lotions WILL affect the clarity and quality of your tattoo.
In about 3 to 5 days, the scab should begin to flake off. If you have followed the preceding instructions the scab should be very light, similar to a sunburn. DO NOT SCRATCH OR PICK AT THE SCAB! Scratching and picking will cause the ink to be pulled out of the skin. Let the scab fall off by itself. When the scab is completely gone, swimming and bathing may be resumed. Continue to keep the tattoo protected from direct sunlight and/or tanning beds for at least 1 month.
Follow these steps to ensure the highest quality tattoo!
General Information
Keep the tattoo free and open to air to help it heal faster.
If the tattoo is on your ankle or foot, wear only clean white socks inside out and change them regularly to prevent infection.
Protect tattoo from harsh chemicals or petroleum products until completely healed.
Tight clothing should be avoided. Only clean, loose-fitting clothes should be worn until the tattoo is healed. Avoid sweaters, lace, elastic, tight jeans, and long johns (shirts and pants)
*WOMEN* Be careful of bras and tight-fitting clothes. These can pull off scabs or scratch your tattoo. If the tattoo is on your hip, leg, or anywhere below the waist, DO NOT wear panty hose, elastic (i.e waist bands) leggings, spandex, or any other restrictive clothing until the scab is completely gone.
Should you be out in the sun, please use a sunscreen of SPF 35 or higher on your tattoo. This will prevent sun damage, such as color fade and blurring (old tattoo look)
Clean bedding and NO pets, DO NOT let your new tattoo stick to your sheets or clothing
Saniderm Care-Sheet
Saniderm can be a great tool if you follow the instructions. The bandage will fill with blood, ink, and plasma; this is totally normal!
If your bandage fills with too much liquid and it begins to bubble, DO NOT remove your bandage. Come back into shop the next day and we will change it for you. Some ink and fluid is normal, and does not merit a bandage change.
AVOID EXERCISING! Or anything that will cause you to sweat excessively for 5-7 days. Sweating underneath the bandage can cause the skin surrounding the tattoo to react with the glue on the saniderm bandage, resulting in redness or rash. After the bandage is removed you can slowly go back to exercising but remember to keep the tattooed area clean!
AVOID direct sunlight! Keep your tattoo covered until your tattoo heals completely. Once your tattoo heals we recommend using sunscreen with a 50 SPF or higher.
Saniderm is water resistant but NOT WATERPROOF. Avoid submerging it in water, avoid pools, tubs, oceans, rivers, and lakes. You may shower and get the bandage wet, but don’t keep your bandage under the water for an extended period of time. Scrubbing the edges of the bandage can result in chaffing and may also make it easier for the bandage to come off.
Your sticker can be left on your tattoo for 3 to 7 days. Leaving it on creates a sanitary environment that helps drastically with healing.
After the 3 to 7 days is up, you may remove your bandage. We recommend you take it off in the shower to loosen the adhesive. You may then wash your tattoo with warm water, and pat dry. Ensure that you get all leaked residue and plasma off of tattoo.
After removal of the bandage you may begin to moisturize your tattoo after letting it air dry for an hour with your (artists recommended lotion.) DO NOT use lotions with perfume or alcohol. ( i.e. Jergens, Vaseline, Neosporin, Bacitracin, Avon or anything similar should NOT be used). Using these lotions will affect the clarity and quality of your tattoo.
Your satisfaction is very important to us. If you've experienced any problems, please contact Dave or Brenda Anderson.